Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"I Saw the Sign...And It Opened Up My Eyes"

A common question has arisen from passersby of the Colonial as of late: What is that brick structure going up near the edge of the building? Well, after more than two years of careful planning, and thanks to a generous contribution from two donors, the Colonial is getting a monumental sign that will clearly identify the building as The Colonial Theatre. Many people have cajoled or chastised us for not making this important improvement sooner, but the fact is that this type of sign is very expensive, and we have not been able to afford it until recently. The recent donation has allowed planning and installation to move forward swiftly. As you may see when you drive or walk by the Colonial, the dirt is flying and brick has been laid as Colonial staff, patrons and donors look forward to the sign's completion.

Prior to the arrival of the lettered sign, a foundation for the base has been excavated and electricity has been run out to the site. The sign's placement was almost completely dictated by the limitations of city-mandated setbacks, location of underground structures and patron access to the front of the Colonial from our parking lot. This past week, the brick base was completed and power is in place. Now we are all awaiting the arrival of the sign.

Once the sign is installed, the Colonial will address the appropriate design review commission for a variance to allow the installation of an LED display. This will enable the Colonial to show images on the sign that may be changed electronically so that a variety of messages and pictures corresponding with upcoming events can be displayed over time.

Keep your eyes peeled, South Street passersby! A beautiful sign in front of The Colonial Theatre will soon be up and running for your enjoyment, made possible by the kindness of our caring donors.


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