Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26 - Bela World Premier!

March 26, 2009 – How exciting is it to have a “world-premier” event at your theater? There have only been a few times in my career as a theater director when I have had the opportunity to answer that question. The answer is that it is incredible to think that on our stage tonight artists will create something for the very first time!

But even more important than the creation of new work – because at the end of the day we exist for our audience – is the fact that people in Pittsfield, Massachusetts are part of this incredible process. The people in the audience tonight are not merely observers. They will be part of the process of creation. Their response to the music will shape how this work develops.

Once more Pittsfield, Massachusetts is the center of innovation!

Béla Fleck and these amazing musicians from Africa are making history at the Colonial Theatre tonight. We hope you will join us!

Dave Fleming
Executive Director

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